We are a student-led workshop mentored by AeroAstro Professors Jeffrey Hoffman and Olivier de Weck, and specializing in design & build projects with a space resources theme.
We support interdisciplinary MIT teams participating in NASA design & build competitions, such as RASC-AL, RASC-AL Special Edition, and the BIG Idea Challenge.
Past and current teams have received awards, travel stipends and grant funding totalling over $600,000 from 2017 to date for their designs and proof-of-concept prototypes for:

- An architecture for a commercially owned and operated low Earth orbit space station
- A Moon and Mars ice drilling and prospecting rig
- A deployable composite boom lunar tower, currently in development by our Space Resources Workshop and NASA Langley under a Space Act Agremeent
- An extreme terrain access reconfigurable robot architecture, to support exploration and infrastructure development on the Moon
- A 50 ton/yr reliable and scalable Mars bipropellant production architecture using in-situ ice and carbon dioxide
The Space Resources Workshop is located at 37-084. We have workbenches, electronics stations, a CAD station, a 3D printer, and various tools and parts on hand to facilitate assembly of prototypes. We can also facilitate access to four nearby machine shops in buildings 37, 35 and 33.